The Voting Machine Information Website of
Election Machine Service Company, Inc.
37-20 55th Street, Woodside, NY 11377-2436

If you have comments, suggestions,    or any questions, email us!

We'll be adding information regularly. Can't find what you want? Ask!  We're friendly!

Information contained within this site has been compiled from many sources, but any factual errors are the sole responsibility of
Election Machine Service Co., Inc.  Corrections should be sent to us via email, along with any references and/or documentation
of the error(s), and we will endeavor to make appropriate changes.    "PULL THIS" with the Red Handle Logo is the property of
Election Machine Service Company, Inc., and may not be used without express permission. All rights reserved.  Other graphics
used on this site were found throughout the web, and we assume them to be public domain.   Information to the contrary should
be emailed to us, and we'll correct the offense. All opinions expressed herein that may be offensive to you are the responsibility
of other people, whose names and whereabouts are unknown to us, and besides which we never liked them very much, anyway.

         This page created with      Netscape Navigator Gold 3.0

We've had  199061   visitors since April 3, 1997
Last updated:  April 6, 1997